Yuping Mohammadi


Yuping Mohammadi – It’s a real shame when a woman wants more than a guy can give… The man’s got a point

Shall I start saying that there is a certain male lust that is just not satisfied under any circumstance?

But, there is a very different male lust when it’s necessary to satisfy a woman. This seems to be the case with Shani Leelani too, who recently revealed through a Twitter post that she feels a great deal of need for the man.

The tweets revealed that she wants to have sex with the man immediately after the fact. And that she doesn’t even go so far as to have an intimate conversation with her boyfriends until they are in bed. She has even stated that she would like some guy to make her a cake.

But it doesn’t stop with this.

In her blog post, Shani Leelani explains how it is only due to her own stubbornness that she was able to find love with someone on the first try. But, like I say, only a woman in her right mind would stand up and say they can easily be satisfied by any man.

In fairness to Leelani, even though she has now settled down to her current love life with a gentleman I call my man, she still has not found the right man to settle down with. What a pity because it means we have one more couple in India who doesn’t want to be satisfied like we do.

The reason why she is not satisfied is because she does not feel a great deal of need for a man and this makes her think she doesn’t deserve a man. It’s sad how we are taught to think and that’s something women need to stop teaching to our sons.

The men we are trying to find love with seem to think women crave sex even when it’s nothing to sniff at. You may have heard that women want to sleep around if men make it interesting. But a recent study also showed that they are actually a lot more interested when it’s sex oriented. A report in the Mirror further revealed that sex drives are so strong that women want to have sex in order to get some satisfaction for themselves.

It doesn’t matter what type of relationship you are in – it’s all one thing to us.

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So, if we are not satisfied with our romantic relationships, why are we still

Yuping Mohammadi

Location: Osaka , Japan
Company: Accenture
